
Active Member
We were out for one last trip at the weekend. The Peaks was the most central point for us all although I've gone right off the place with the amount of sour faces you drive past. I mean we wave and smile to everyone, split into smaller groups and drive respectfully and we still cop flack.

Anyway, I started editing the footage to make a short film and the camera from the lead car showed what I thought was a brilliant drivers eye view of the Hollinsclough lane, which I think is the toughest lane left in the Peaks. It gives you a real feel for the lane and I thought made an interesting film.

Used to drive up there in my old S2a on Saturday mornings after finishing a night shift :D. Only 10.minutes from my house.
Love that lane. Even though I did clatter the rear bumper on that big rock drop off on the first part...

Another superb vid, Elle. :)
We were out for one last trip at the weekend. The Peaks was the most central point for us all although I've gone right off the place with the amount of sour faces you drive past. I mean we wave and smile to everyone, split into smaller groups and drive respectfully and we still cop flack.

Anyway, I started editing the footage to make a short film and the camera from the lead car showed what I thought was a brilliant drivers eye view of the Hollinsclough lane, which I think is the toughest lane left in the Peaks. It gives you a real feel for the lane and I thought made an interesting film.


Yeh tis a great lane not done it for a while though, will have to get it in before they shut that 1 too! :mad:, we was out on sunday and can totaly agree with you on the sour faces we encountered, there was however a couple of cheerful walkers on the top of chaplegate that actually said "that looks like fun"!
We also went down roych which has been unnecessarily re-surfaced, the same story on monsal head too :(
Great vid by the way too and the the angry rambler! :laugh:
Same here, big drop hit tank guard and crossmember, tank guard hit so hard the door won't shut properly
ahaaaa that's why I chickened out from going down that lane last sunday :D
great to see what is all the way down the lane in daylight tho ,, great vid ... Also like to say it was my 1st time laning and me and my mrs were shocked at how many totally miserable people we encountered from cyclists to walkers amd locals . Even had a woman moan loudly about me almost running her dog over even tho we were turning out of a tarmac road onto a main road and I was literally doing half a mph on full lock and she didn't have her dog under control AND id actually seen the dog run from her out front of my car ... still , brilliant time cant wait to do it again :eek:
totally agree , crawled along all day at that speed . im quite happy looking at the scenery than blasting up and down , I never see enough of the countryside in daily driving so why the majority of people we encountered were so grumpy looking is beyond me ,, we did notice a hand written sign on a wall saying ... "this wall was knocked over by off roaders " and we wondered how the hell it could've been hit by an off roader but hey there you go

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