Those welsh valleys sure have some soft bottoms in them. Sorry to hear all your buses are on strike. Have a nice day.-------BB
bonnybaggot said:
Oh dear the lobotomy you had went wrong , and the medical profession fobbed you off , with piece of paper and sent you off to France , in the folorn hope you might recover, eating a protien rich diet of frogs legs snails, washed down with red wine.
where do you get this stuff from??? its really better if it is based on fact or a bit of word bending.. not just utter ****. or is this a throw back to yer own life?
binned orf to bog trotter land and feed on potatoes and cabbage..
if you can't come up wiff anything witty then **** off and gees peace.
Dear oh dear !!!!! Some more bully boy tactics like yours, and the men in white coats will be along to sedate yoiu and take you away .

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