
New Member
hi all my names Gary i live in Northern Ireland
i,m a Mercedes HGV mechanic, play rugby normally (ankle broken at mo ffs)
am 31 (poss to old for rugby hense broken ankle)
i have a fartbox of a 1986 90 (soon to be gods own choice of chariot):D
and a rotten 1997 300tdi discovery (soon to be pilfered to death):D
got some great info off the site and hope to also add info if i can

Hi Gary and :welcome2: to the Forum. Lots of Info and banter. thick skin required for the anything goes site. But bring a sense of humour and enjoy the **** taking:D
cheers all,
think i can take a joke, if not will turn web cam off so no one see,s me cry:Cry:
:welcome2: from another ulster nut with uneconomical plans to rebuild a 1986 ninety! wish you well with your project.

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