On Friday 04th November 2011 at 7.30pm on the A49 ay Prees/Prees Green a 206 Peugeot carrying a 5 year old, a 3 year old a pregnant woman and her partner were heading out towards Shrewsbury on the South side of Prees coming into the 50 MPH limit when a 4x4 ploughed into the back of the car crushing the children and injuring all four. This vehicle then carried on towards Shrewsbury without stopping.
We believe this 4x4 could be silver Landover Discovery 3 or 4 as parts of the vehicle were left at the scene.
The vehicle will have front driver side damage; did you see this vehicle driving towards you with one headlight at all last Friday night? Have you seen a silver 4x4 vehicle with damage to the driver’s side?
The driver is described as late 50’s greying hair and wearing glasses, it very possible that he/she had been drinking, did you see this person in your local?
This driver is ruthless and left a family for dead, this could of been your family wiped out in one go.
Please come forward to either speak to Steve at Whitchurch Tyres or Inspector Rick Klare at Shrewsbury Police station, anonymous if you wish, but please help us catch this idiot!

Latest info is that this may be a female driver under the influence. Not confirmed.
Hope (s)he gets caught before more injury and damage is done, or worse. If it's a Disco 3/4could also try disco3.co.uk if you haven't.
F**k sake hope they f**king hang them when they find them if you gonna break the law at least take the consequences when they appear:mad:

Hope everybody in the car was OK and hope they find the people responsible!
:mad:Shocking ... some people are just plain idiots ... really hope the family are ok physically and this piece of s**t gets caught soon.
i just hope that the family are all ok,if and when they catch this pillock, they should throw the book at them. :5brant:
Drink driving is something I have never done and will never do.

Leaving the scene of an accident, whether people are hurt or not is another no-no.

I hope they catch this total dick and they suffer due justice.
hope they hang him / her. i kill that **** if that was my wife and kids.

D3 forums a good shout
Sorry to say this guys, but this is a hoax. It's doing the rounds on Facebook e.t.c.
Probably someones sick idea of a joke or just another bash at the 4x4 community.
"Lern speek Englisch before coming here and spouting your junk around!"
If its a hoax its very sad ! it was posted in good faith. I did even try & source some further information first from the area. I just copied and posted from another forum.
I don't intentionality " Spout junk around" I was trying to help ! I too have been the victim of a serious accident which left me laid up for 18 months so I take anything like that seriously !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Lern speek Englisch before coming here and spouting your junk around!"
If its a hoax its very sad ! it was posted in good faith. I did even try & source some further information first from the area. I just copied and posted from another forum.
I don't intentionality " Spout junk around" I was trying to help ! I too have been the victim of a serious accident which left me laid up for 18 months so I take anything like that seriously !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ignore him mate ... obviously a **** of the first order ... uses the name 'Motorhead' as a cover for being a closet Gaylanderer! :cool:
"Lern speek Englisch before coming here and spouting your junk around! "

I'm sorry I didn't know it was a hoax ! I did some checking first for news information in the area.
Having suffered a serious road accident at the hands of a reckless idiot some years ago and ended up laid up for 18 months RTA's are not something I take lightly !
"Lern speek Englisch before coming here and spouting your junk around! "

I'm sorry I didn't know it was a hoax ! I did some checking first for news information in the area.
Having suffered a serious road accident at the hands of a reckless idiot some years ago and ended up laid up for 18 months RTA's are not something I take lightly !

Hey no problem ... nobody was having a go at you (apart from that **** Motorhead) ... the rest of us are on your side and appreciate what you wrote.
Now, enjoy the site and ignore the idiots ;)
"Lern speek Englisch before coming here and spouting your junk around! "

I'm sorry I didn't know it was a hoax ! I did some checking first for news information in the area.
Having suffered a serious road accident at the hands of a reckless idiot some years ago and ended up laid up for 18 months RTA's are not something I take lightly !

chill out and read the post above yours.;):)
Friend is roads manager in accident respinse for that area. No record of injury rta on that stretch of road or emergency services attending.

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