Hi guys, did a search and come up blank so starting a thread to see if I can get to the bottom of this problem.
T'other day noticed that when I switched the ignition on the FBH would kick in and stay on, ignored it, as you do
then today I was doing my weekly checks under the bonnet and noticed that when turning the ignition to all electrics there is a very noticable hissing noise coming from around the area I guess is where the FBH lives, it stays on even when the engine is running. I let it run for a good few minutes with engine on and off to see if it would stop, but it just doesnt want to switch off. It stops when the ignition is turned off. SO, electrical? Dodgy/Split hose? None of the above 
I cannot find any info in Haynes or online about this.
I dont have too much time at the mo but I will over the weekend, so IF it needs fixing and is an easy DIY I will sort it then!
T'other day noticed that when I switched the ignition on the FBH would kick in and stay on, ignored it, as you do
I cannot find any info in Haynes or online about this.
I dont have too much time at the mo but I will over the weekend, so IF it needs fixing and is an easy DIY I will sort it then!