Andres el Brujo

New Member
Hi everybody,
Im the happy owner of a 2000 1.8 K hippo, already posted some time ago that my alternator belt snapped and pieces got into the timming belt so got to change all valves.

I finished repairing the engine something like 1 month ago, ride it for 1000 km without any trouble but suddenly yesterday i went to pick up my gf from her place and when i stopped beside another car i started hearing a psss psss psss psss sound coming out from the engine at the rithm the engine runs.

Im a ship engineer and is not the first time a hear that sound from an engine: is exactly the sound you hear when you start an engine with a test cock open (cylinder purge open). So the first thing i taught was a loosen spark plug.

The thing is that the engine does not seem to have lost power or torque.

What i did check:
1. Spark plugs are tighten
2. Timming belt properly tensioned
3. No signs of compression air comming out of the cooling water
4. Intake manifold is not "hot" so i pressume is not an intake valve leak
5. No excesive tappet sound
6. Engine torque seems normal, engine seems to be running in all 4 cyl.

What I and some friends think could be the reason:
1. Exhaust manifold gasket leak (my friends idea)
2. Valve leak... stuck tappet? (my idea)
3. I made a **** of a job mounting back the cyl head after valve replacing and i got a leak from the cylinder head (my other friends idea)
4. Auxiliaries? steering pump / AC compressor?? can sound like that? but everything works... (my idea)

My situation:
1. 70 km from home, and have to go home on friday.
2. Toolset onboard.
3. Cyl compression gauge at home.

Any good idea what can be the sound? Hope i could upload a sound track ive recorded but uploading files is blocked from the company computer...

Thanks for your time.

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