
New Member
I'm getting high pitch whinning at 60mph and above, mainly in 5th gear! Is my gear box about to go caboooooom :eek: or is this pretty normal for a 300tdi with 160K on the clock?

I always thought it was pretty much standard for any land rover. You've got a big industrial gear box with a lot of chunky parts so they do make some noise, older ones more than newer ones. Check that the gear box has got plenty of oil. Mine certainly makes a whizzing / whinning noise when it's in fifth, just like a bus or a coach when it's free wheeling.
Thanks, I think I'm just worrying a bit too much. I have noticed the noise recently, but it might have always been like that, I just thought I'd check with the experts.


You'll probably start noticing other little noises like the fan whizzing up and down when you accelerate and the doors and windows rattling etc. It's all standard stuff so don't worry about it dropping to pieces
Thanks, I've already enjoyed the rattling windows and noisy engine... that's part of the charm :rolleyes:. I'm not much of a mechanic though and I don't know any other Land Rover owners (other than here ofcourse) so it's good to have this forum for us that know 'nowt'

I'm reasonably new around here but you'll learn a lot very quickly. You'll also really have to dig into your topics because they usually turn into conversations between the usual suspects, but the gems are in there somewhere. If a suggestion sounds a bit strange don't entertain it because some people cough*SLOB*, tend to be very sarcastic whilst sounding very convincing.
I'm getting high pitch whinning at 60mph and above, mainly in 5th gear! Is my gear box about to go caboooooom :eek: or is this pretty normal for a 300tdi with 160K on the clock?


Check the levels and colours of the main box and transfer box fluids - if it's low top it up, if they're dirty change 'em. See if that solves the problem, even to a small degree. Might as well do the axle fluids at the same time.

Changing them yourself shouldn't cost you more than about £20 in fluids (provided you don't buy 'em at Halfrauds) and will take approx 45 minutes to an hour if you really mess about with it.

Use MTF94 in the main box and EPx 80/90 GL4 in the transfer box and axles.

Nah, hammer an old 3/8 drive into the plug, attach short torque extension then heave ho with a 2' breaker bar ;)
I'm getting high pitch whinning at 60mph and above, mainly in 5th gear! Is my gear box about to go caboooooom :eek: or is this pretty normal for a 300tdi with 160K on the clock?

I hear a high pitch whining over 70mph in every motor ive ever had and over 100mph i get a repeated sharp pain on the left of my face but only when the missus is on board..... strange.
Don't mind if I do thank you very much.

Might be up your way on Sunday Fiver, off up to Scarhouse reservoir for a bit of walking and a fry up.

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