Hi all 300 tdi with 163k on the clock . Recently fitted a oil pressure gauge which is showing 40 psi at idle should be around the 25 psi Mark , any ways according to land rover high pressure cud be due to either a blockage in the oil ways , a blockage in the crankcase ventilation system or a fault with the pressure release valve . Motor runs a performs pretty much as it should regularly serviced as per manual.
I recently cleaned the crankcase ventilation canister.
As previously I didn't know about the high oil pressure I had a look at the checking the easiest potential cause 1st and on checking the pipes for blockages coming of the canister I found the one that goes to the air intake to turbo to be disconnected ( possible due to previous owner maybe not wanting dirty air recycling back into system) anyway reconnected , not turned her over yet as also part way through replacing bolts on rear of transfer box to rear prop . Any ideas or has any one had high oil pressure issues
Not experienced it myself but looks like your on top of potential causes. Maybe a few oil and filter changes may help clear things out, possibly use a snake oil like https://www.wynns.eu/product/oil-system-cleaner/ if you don’t find the blockage or a problem with the pressure valve.
Cheers huddy84 I'll bear that in mind if it's not the 1st two potential possibilities coz unsure of how to tackle blocked oil ways which wud be starving some thing of oil which is worrying
Your first mistake was to fit an oil pressure gauge!
Is the gauge reading correctly? can you borrow another one to compare?
If the reading is correct, the first thing I would check is the pressure relief valve incase it is sticking, or a previous owner has messed with it to get the pressure up.(washers behind the spring etc.)
If it had serious oil starvation it would knock like hell when running.
Your first mistake was to fit an oil pressure gauge!
Is the gauge reading correctly? can you borrow another one to compare?
If the reading is correct, the first thing I would check is the pressure relief valve incase it is sticking, or a previous owner has messed with it to get the pressure up.(washers behind the spring etc.)
If it had serious oil starvation it would knock like hell when running.
Your 1st mistake was to presume that I hadn't already checked the pressure gauge with another gauge. As I said shes running sweet no knocking , and like I said will be looking at pressure relief value . Just after positive input not criticism cheers
Your 1st mistake was to presume that I hadn't already checked the pressure gauge with another gauge. As I said shes running sweet no knocking , and like I said will be looking at pressure relief value . Just after positive input not criticism cheers
Not criticism, just a light humored remark. Had I known you were that sensitive I wouldn't have bothered replying.
Cheers huddy84 I'll bear that in mind if it's not the 1st two potential possibilities coz unsure of how to tackle blocked oil ways which wud be starving some thing of oil which is worrying
its highly unlikely to be a blocked oil way ,it should never get that cruddy inside ,whats max pressure when you rev it
I would say 40psi at cold idle is OK - certainly my old Disco 200TDI sits around that, dropping to around 30psi hot.
Just an update changed spring in oil pressure relief valve and now running at 27 psi which is correct to the book , strangely thou the book states that the free length of the spring should be 68mm , the one I took out measured 45mm & the one I put in from land rover measured 55mm .
Just an update changed spring in oil pressure relief valve and now running at 27 psi which is correct to the book , strangely thou the book states that the free length of the spring should be 68mm , the one I took out measured 45mm & the one I put in from land rover measured 55mm .
Pleased you’ve got it sorted. That does seem strange, you’d think the shorter spring would allow the release valve to open earlier and so keep the pressure down better. Perhaps it was sticking and you’ve freed it?
When your pressure was running high did the engine burn any oil? I’m wondering if the high pressure was pushing oil past the turbo seals and in to the air induction system?
Pleased you’ve got it sorted. That does seem strange, you’d think the shorter spring would allow the release valve to open earlier and so keep the pressure down better. Perhaps it was sticking and you’ve freed it?
When your pressure was running high did the engine burn any oil? I’m wondering if the high pressure was pushing oil past the turbo seals and in to the air induction system?
Nope not burning any oil , I'm possibly thinking that I didn't let it run for long enough after I fitted the oil pressure gauge , as it crept up to 55psi on start up and it slowly dropped to 27 after 20 -30 minutes. On the plus side I'm glad I did it if only because the bottom end looked in good condition and the sump was nice and clean which makes me think she's been serviced regularly in the past.

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