
New Member
I've just moved to Denmark and would like to buy a Disco - I had a mark 2 for several years before I moved across. I loved the car but had to give it up when I came here. I know there is no reason on earth why one should need a LR in Denmark (highest point is 220m) , but I do...

Some of you may know that cars are very expensive here and even secondhand LR's cost probably 2-3 times that in UK and elsewhere in the EU.

I'd like to get a 2.5TDI but the mark II Discos in my price bracket are likely to have done 100,000 miles +. Question : are these (generally) a safe buy, assuming I make the usual checks on service history etc ?

I've made a few notes from previous postings but if anyone running a higher mileage Disco could give me further pointers, I'd be grateful.

It should start really quickly from cold (good compression), there should not be a blue tinge to the exhaust smoke (burning oil is blue). The timing belt should have been changed around every 60 - 80 k miles. A well looked after 200 or 300tdi engine can acheive very high milages - as an RAC man (and ex LR mechanic) once commented when I told him mine had done 110,000 - "It's run in then".
Thanks Some Guy,

Appreciate the quick and concise reply. I'll bear all this in mind. Wish me luck !


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