
New Member
Well one and all,
Thought that I'd share this with you, last evening my little fl1 just toped the 200,000 mile mark in fact this morning it's 200.009:drum: and still going strong. they may have their faults but by god it's got me and the family out of a lot a trouble :beer2:
was thinking about giving mine an overhaul at the 200k mark. It was be 70k since the last VCU by then so whilst im ringing up bell i might get a IRD and diff at the same time. New wheel bearings all round too. Maybe CV joints aswell.

Then again i might just be quietly pleased it has reached that high and treat it to some expensive diesel
I dont know if this is a modern consumerist thing or a pessimist Landrover owner thing you are showing, but rather than being thankful my car lasted 200k, I would be extremely ****ed if it DIDNT get that far.

Modern cars are good for much, much higher mileage than that.

Its not the 1970's any more, when it was a race to see whether the engine wore away to nothing or the body dissolved away to nothing first.
my old one when I parted with it was on 175,000 it would have been around the 200,000 by now I have always said look after the car and it will look after you

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