
New Member
I've just replaced our Freelander 1.5 with a freelander 2. I bought it despite a few niggles that i knew would be fairly cheap to fix. Driving it yesterday i went over a sleeping policeman/speed bump and as it crested the bump, and the load was taken off the suspension/shock there was a hideous bang from the front of the off-side front of the car and there was a definite shock that came up through the steering column. No noise when you hit the speed bump, whatever speed you hit it, doesn't do it if you go over it slowly, only if you are at speed and therefore the wheels drop faster than the rest of the car.

I'm hoping somebody may be able to point me in the right direction in order to investigate further

thanks in advance guys
Knowing the mileage would be helpful, but if it's done more than 80k miles, the shocks will be past there best. Spring failure is also pretty common the FL2, along with many other common and expensive issues. :(

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