big g.r.

New Member
hello there i'm thinking of buying some hiclones for my rover but at seventy quid for what seems like two bits of tube with finsin seems a bit much for this yorkshire man so i have three questions.
1) does any one out there have them fitted
2) do they increase power and smoother gear selection
and 3) do they actually save fuel as they claim:confused:
hello there i'm thinking of buying some hiclones for my rover but at seventy quid for what seems like two bits of tube with finsin seems a bit much for this yorkshire man so i have three questions.
1) does any one out there have them fitted
2) do they increase power and smoother gear selection
and 3) do they actually save fuel as they claim:confused:
Can't believe any reputable parts supplier would have the face to even sell such a pile of nonsense.

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