I've bought a set for my defender but still haven't got around to fitting them!! As soon as I do I will write a review. Although I wouldn't believe that they make that much difference...
The point of the gizmo is that it makes the air flow better and as a result allows more air that is colder air to flow more freely and as a result the engine burns the fuel more efficiently. I have no first hand experience of fitting them but those who I have spoken to all say there is a degree of improvement on hills and when pulling and a slight improvement in mpg in general but not that you will ever get your money back in fuels saved
ive got a set in my 200tdi and i would not say it made a super difference BUT it has sightly improved the turbo lag and it does help to make the turbo spinn up faster from setting of at junctions

my overall thaughts are they are a bit expencive for the gains that you get

regards bell
Mostly a gimmick I think, If they were as good as the company making them says then every manufacturer would be fitting them as standard
Hiya nicko666. I have the Hiclone fitted on my 1991 200Tdi Discovery, don't expect the power of a V8 but you will notice the difference when pulling away and on hills. Search around the web, as they can vary in price. There is a slight improvement in mpg but not a great deal. But with the price of diesel going the way it is, every little helps!

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