
New Member
Just found the forum whilst doing some google searches.

I live in Northern Ireland, my partner (also a Landrover fan) lives in Huntingdon.

Very glad to make your accquaintances!!
Just found the forum whilst doing some google searches.

I live in Northern Ireland, my partner (also a Landrover fan) lives in Huntingdon.

Very glad to make your accquaintances!!

Hi and welcome. I've heard of keeping a bit of distance in a relationship but 300 mile is taking it far. :D

You'll get a great reception on here. Just hope ya can take a joke and have a thick skin.
Ehhhh get that image outta yer head MHM, I'm not really wrinkly at all!!

Nah, no 'orses for me, plenty around here though, stables and breeders and the usual sheep, cows and all that melarky.
Sound like two dubious characters - are they into animals then??? (Pun intended!)

Oh aye that they are. Yella Lives in Wales so he can stay close to the action. :D

An Grunts a yarksheer pig lover. Oh an don't mention the big fat matron out of all the Carry On movies.
Wot? You mean this Matron!?


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