hello to all. looking forward to finding out more on all things LR.

Welcome to the forum

What did yer find out? Did yer buy er Freelander?
Where they invented in them days? :D
Yes. Freelander 1 started development around 1988/89 and was ont sale at the end of 1997. Freelander 2 started development early 2000 and went ont sale int 2007. So he may have bought a Freelander 1 (known as Freelander until the second one lunched) or waited ferra Freelander 2.
Same with Classic RangeRover, weren’t classic when they were the first ones new, just the RangeRover. :)

It’s strange, struy must have been real early on as lot of posts are tryin to make Landyzone slogan. A terrible one at that. Mostly Defender threads then disappears for 2yrs, but comes back to make an intro with no content, to which you welcomed him :D
I’m guessing you don’t remember him lol
Same with Classic RangeRover, weren’t classic when they were the first ones new, just the RangeRover. :)

It’s strange, struy must have been real early on as lot of posts are tryin to make Landyzone slogan. A terrible one at that. Mostly Defender threads then disappears for 2yrs, but comes back to make an intro with no content, to which you welcomed him :D
I’m guessing you don’t remember him lol
Eye dun't know him. Eye originally joined at the end of 2005 but moved to me hippo login by joining again int late 2007. Original login has gone.
Was probably different back then.

Eye dun't know him. Eye originally joined at the end of 2005 but moved to me hippo login by joining again int late 2007. Original login has gone.

I didn’t expect to see you here, nevermind welcome me, and everyone else :)
I’d seen you on YouTube in welsh mountains. You are ‘that’ hippo?
What have made you stay so long? The lust for Freelanders :D
You are part of the furniture.
Was probably different back then.

I didn’t expect to see you here, nevermind welcome me, and everyone else :)
I’d seen you on YouTube in welsh mountains. You are ‘that’ hippo?
What have made you stay so long? The lust for Freelanders :D
You are part of the furniture.
I'm HippoPhoto ont YouTube. Yer probably seen me Bala 4x4 oft road play day video of me blue freelander.

Eye originally joined up because eye had a Freelander. Few problems with it and wanted ter know more about fixin them. Back int those days a lot of stuff we talked about was new territory. We pulled together and worked stuff out. I've had Freelander's ever since and will continue ter do so fer as long as eye can. Eye was on Lro but their Freelander section was quiet. Joined as many forums with Freelander stuff as eye could. Lz is one of few which has continued so eye stayed. Many lr forums have closed over the years. The tratterers would miss me if eye left. Their affection and support for ma hippo is difficult ter put int words.

When lookin through the forum eye noticed 1 int 6 introduction freds never get a reply. Forums have gone quiet over the last 5 years including this one. Yer never know what value new peeps may add ter the forum when joining.

Lots on ere bang on about peeps creating introduction fred's but never post replies int introduction section themselves, or have their own introduction fred when they joined. Not nice ter join up and say hello then be ignored.

So eye started ter say hello ter all of them. Also point them ter the right section if they have technical questions posted as part of their introduction. Not all have bin ont forums before so dun't know what ter do.

Eye occasionally have the pi*s taken on ere but would never return fire as eye dun't cause any trouble.
I understand. I came here for help got ignored and pi** taken. Told it was waste of time.

Then you turned up.

Showed me just do what you can to help and don’t take nothing to heart. Once others see your here to help they have looked after me, and my P38. True friends. I’ve even managed to help few people when no one is around.
All due to the welcome you gave me. It does make all the difference. An inspiration.
When lookin through the forum eye noticed 1 int 6 introduction freds never get a reply.

Also point them ter the right section if they have technical questions posted as part of their introduction. Not all have bin ont forums before so dun't know what ter do

Bin thinking :confused: bout wot you said ^^^

I often looks at whats happening online at bottom of forums page. I’ve noticed some people not used to forums don’t do intro but put their problem as their status ; likely to never be seen and feel ignored :(

I point them in right direction but it only shows most recent few. Pretty sure @doriz would help keep an eye out for members there, wot you think? ;)
Bin thinking :confused: bout wot you said ^^^

I often looks at whats happening online at bottom of forums page. I’ve noticed some people not used to forums don’t do intro but put their problem as their status ; likely to never be seen and feel ignored :(

I point them in right direction but it only shows most recent few. Pretty sure @doriz would help keep an eye out for members there, wot you think? ;)
Eye think this was talked about int feedback and suggestions. It's a feature few use. Mines turned oft so eye dun't get comments added.

Eye think anything we can do ter help new members is good. Not everyone has used forum before so it can be confusing if yer new. If yer never get a reply because yer posted int wrong bit then eye think noobs will feel disheartened and not come back

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