
Hi all, registered as newbie few weeks ago. Got 50 views to my profile saying hello but no one saying welcome. Have I done something wrong?!! Or is everyone jealous cos I've got two td5 defenders!!
ah. :( Thats so sad, the mean forum people not talking to you :(

Go suck a lemon, no one would care if you had 2 rangerovers you pretentious tit. :rolleyes:

Oh and :welcome2: now go ask what the biggest tyres you can fit are in 'anything goes'

:lol: :D
Two Defenders ain't worth **** in this place. A good sense of humour, a witty retort and the ability to let the **** slide off when it is thrown at you is your most treasured possession on LZ.

Well, are you up for it you multiple Defender driving limp dick?

Welcome by the way. :D :D
Hi all, registered as newbie few weeks ago. Got 50 views to my profile saying hello but no one saying welcome. Have I done something wrong?!! Or is everyone jealous cos I've got two td5 defenders!!

I think he means:

Hi look at me i have two landy's aren't I amazing, you should all want to be my best friend cus i clearly have lots of money and want you all to know it ( hence why i'm reminding you i have two TD5's)

To all those saying welcome, thank you.
To those thinking I'm pretentious, you are so wrong! If I own two defenders then it shows I can let the smelly brown stuff slide when its thrown. Got broad shoulders and thick skin. Looking forward to getting to know you all better and vice versa.
To all those saying welcome, thank you.
To those thinking I'm pretentious, you are so wrong! If I own two defenders then it shows I can let the smelly brown stuff slide when its thrown. Got broad shoulders and thick skin. Looking forward to getting to know you all better and vice versa.

your going to fit right in....:D
To all those saying welcome, thank you.
To those thinking I'm pretentious, you are so wrong! If I own two defenders then it shows I can let the smelly brown stuff slide when its thrown. Got broad shoulders and thick skin. Looking forward to getting to know you all better and vice versa.

Ah, but are you able to take a photo? We like piccies we do!

To all those saying welcome, thank you.
To those thinking I'm pretentious, you are so wrong! If I own two defenders then it shows I can let the smelly brown stuff slide when its thrown. Got broad shoulders and thick skin. Looking forward to getting to know you all better and vice versa.
you know (oh hi by the way)
if you got 2 fenders, then that makes you a seeeerious landrover owner,
knowing that 1 will feck up reguarly,
and you still got 1 as spares....

your lucky then as I`ve only got one old disco,
could`nt face another 3 months of welding with another.

I like the Idea of yours though,
1 running and 6 spare wheels,
as I`ve only got 1 spare wheel & 5 pump up cans :D

enjoy your choice of poison matey..;)
I may have two fenders but a bit of a spaz when trying to get pics loaded on here. Any help would be very gratefully received and acted upon (as long as it's legal and not painful!!)
I may have two fenders but a bit of a spaz when trying to get pics loaded on here. Any help would be very gratefully received and acted upon (as long as it's legal and not painful!!)
i dont do pictures either - fcukem....:p
Hi Cas,

You can sleep at night knowing that if you hadn't posted in the welcome section you'd have had 35 posts slagging you off and demanding notes from your Mum and 3 bank references........

Apart from that, looks like business as usual...... from an occasional and wary poster (whose had a lot of great advice and help on here) with just the one ageing TD5.....:D A
Whoever came up with the stupid idea that the more Landies you own the wealthier you are? :doh:

Everyone knows the exact opposite is true :Cry: shut yer whinning
welcome - I feel like only half the member you are given my sole TD5 - but given I'm a woman that works out ok as it still makes me twice the person you'll ever be :p:D

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