
Active Member
Newbie Freelander love it so if you give me grief expect to get it back so you friendly Me friendly 😊😊😊😊😊👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks for the offer but no not interested but judging by other comments gratch may take up on the offer enjoy yourselves boys
Don't worry Dinks, this is a normal reaction from the 'Trattor' driving fraternity. They are a small element of humanity who have refused to move forward in an evolutionary way, many still think the world is flat. They do not understand things like aircon and electric windows and are therefore affeared of them much as neanderthal man was when first witnessing a total eclipse. Enjoy the Freelander (Gaylander, Hippo ) call it what you will.
One thing though, do not keep your curling tongs in the compartment under the boot floor, it fills with condensation and buggers the electrics.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the offer but no not interested but judging by other comments gratch may take up on the offer enjoy yourselves boys

Epic gayness and a very slow, poor response. All that bumlove must have confuddled your brain.
you must have got one of your boyfriends to help you spell that still good effort good effort for a mental Pygmy
You can yawn but not too wide cos your I've only got a small dick

Dinks if you want to come on here to play, get yourself into anything goes and start a thread otherwise STFU and accept you own and drive a Gaylander, its better than a slitty but tbh that's about it.

you really aren't up to playing with the big boys yet, god help you when one arrives.
I guess I'll be throwing the towel in, I can't think of witty replies quicker than Stinks - he's got me beaten:rolleyes::doh:

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