
New Member
just saying hello, me and the other half are big landy fans...he spanners them and i try not to break them
great to meet you all...:D :D :D
Hi and welcome we prefer single blondes but we're not the sort ta look a gift horse in the mouth. (Most of the pervs on here never get their eyes up that high anyway.)
thanks...blonde but not single...happily married with two youngsters...and my son is a landrover nut too!!
nice to chat with everyone, and hope to do a few posts on resto work on the csw soon, so may need loads of
Don't scare the wimmin away Handshandy!! I'm out numbered enuff as it is! Welcome 'other blonde burd' to LZ!
thank god im not the only woman on here!!!
nice to meet you hybrid....we women need to stick
thank god im not the only woman on here!!!
nice to meet you hybrid....we women need to stick

Nice signature.. if the blokes on here cud read proper, they mite disagree. But they can't so yer safe! Havin sed tha, if i cud spell proper, they mite be able ter read... vishus circle...
lol...ive just added a pic to my signature to keep the pervs happy, i hadnt got my overalls on that
lol...ive just added a pic to my signature to keep the pervs happy, i hadnt got my overalls on that

There what I'd call 'healthy pervs' on here! Dint mention ovvies when Grunts about, or Hattie Jaques fer that matter... It gets very messy in hear otherwise...
yer son's a landrover nut???? i think you need to rush outside and check that yer wheels aren't held on by small children
Yeah welcome to laryzone. I'm one o' the unhealthy pervs, but I'm also on occayshuns wunnerful 'parently. :D

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