
Active Member
After being shown many threads and pics by my hubby hoopfish, thought I should join for myself. Yes I am a girl, and I know nothing about vehicle mechanics, just like driving our disco! But I do love looking at shiny landrovers, so be nice to me pleeze!
be careful.. some of the chaps on here havent seen a gurlie for a long long time.
be careful.. some of the chaps on here havent seen a gurlie for a long long time.
And some of them wouldn't know what to do with one when they see one.

Welcome. I do hear that the way to a LZ member's heart is ........ CAKE!
Well I hope so :D

Welcome fellow girlfriend, I've not been here too long myself but so far so good lol, I've not managed to upset anyone YET :p
Well if you fit any of the criteria below, then you certainly will be welcome , apparantly :rolleyes:

What the blokes want

Hour glass figure
Lack of intelligence
Seen and not heard
Adventurous sex life
Do as she is told
Stay at home housewife

If you don't fit it ,well us girls'll like you all the more :D
this is completly dissapointing by the male gender on here , no one has asked the newb female to show us her tits yet !!

welcome by the way
this is completly dissapointing by the male gender on here , no one has asked the newb female to show us her tits yet !!

welcome by the way

well if she fits 3 of the criteria on the list she probably would :D
Well if you fit any of the criteria below, then you certainly will be welcome , apparantly :rolleyes:

What the blokes want

Hour glass figure
Lack of intelligence
Seen and not heard
Adventurous sex life
Do as she is told
Stay at home housewife

If you don't fit it ,well us girls'll like you all the more :D
:eek: quick hit the report button.

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