Nowt wrong wi' a jeep lad, plenty more reliable than a landy for starters

jeep my arse country turning bloody american !!!! they need em to carry there lard arses !!!:your_wrong:
you stick with the boyz toyz and leave the landrovers to us hairy arsed grease monkeys to you us men
I'm aspirational, one day when I have no further need for comfort and reliability in a vehicle, then will I progress to a land rover. Until then, I'm here for the banter, is that alright with you?

Jeez, anyone would think you didn't like outsiders :eek:
Burn the intruder :)

it is a noble aspriration young man, i too yearn for discomfort and unreliablity. :D
Welcome Douglas.

You'll find plenty of help and advice from Freelander owners, but punctuated by pointless dribble from 'Series' and 'Defender' owners, the occasional 'Discovery' owner but not too many Range Rover owners (...bit more mature) who really and honestly quite frankly shouldn't be posting in the Freelander threads. They do it because they're bored with their lot in life and the torture of driving their uncomfortable vehicles.;)

Afterall, not every Land Rover owner craves the need to be upto his air intake in either water or mud do they?:rolleyes:

However, put up with them, or ignore them, hopefully they'll grow up one day, but don't hold your breath.:)

(Just watch the responses this posting draws from those mentioned above:D)

Like many will tell you, use the search facility, and you'll most likely find the answer to your question. Cheers.:)

I've already mentioned the search ;)
N on me way home the water wuz nearly up to me windows and my Freebie went straight past a submerged Jag.
Oh how they must've wished they'd not ventured in.:(

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