laughing at this as can get cherry for next to nothing, i wont take the chance but my mate used to use it all the time in his car he would even fill it outside house in a busy street. Clear containers every sunday you would see him pouring away.
laughing at this as can get cherry for next to nothing, i wont take the chance but my mate used to use it all the time in his car he would even fill it outside house in a busy street. Clear containers every sunday you would see him pouring away.
Got a big tank in the yard, but I wouldn't put it in me landy!
Been done by customs years ago, when I was young and stupid. They are scary to deal with, more powers than police in some situations.
I've heard a rumour that there are places in scotlandshire that you can take your vehicle to and hand them cash and they'll sort your problem out for you. I'm not sure what they're called up in that neck of the woods but down south we call em 'garages'. :rolleyes:
I know what use are saying I know it's not worth the 20 quid saving but your answers aren't relevant to my question am asking if someone can help me not have a go and act like my mother

you have been on here 5 mins and you are asking bods to get you out of the ****,because you have done something your attitude is not conducive to getting any help either.:rolleyes:
I'll be honest and tell you i'm in Aberdeenshire.
-That said, i agree with the guys above.
Secondly, if you've got contaminated fuel - it won't just be your injectors, How about your filter, pump, lines - in fact everything from the tank to injectors.
This is something i'd attempt myself - if i was that stupid -but you're talking at least a day if not more - and that's with a limited tool kit.
Take it on the chin and go to a garage - it'll save you a lot of heart ache and put down to experience.
As far as HMRC are concerned, they turn up in the carpark at the bottom of my track regularly dipping tanks. Last Farmer who got caught, Lost his Landy and fined thousands (in lost revenue - story goes that they worked out how long he had landy, how much fuel he would have used and worked out the tax he should have paid) - Does that sound right guys?
I'll be honest and tell you i'm in Aberdeenshire.
-That said, i agree with the guys above.
Secondly, if you've got contaminated fuel - it won't just be your injectors, How about your filter, pump, lines - in fact everything from the tank to injectors.
This is something i'd attempt myself - if i was that stupid -but you're talking at least a day if not more - and that's with a limited tool kit.
Take it on the chin and go to a garage - it'll save you a lot of heart ache and put down to experience.
As far as HMRC are concerned, they turn up in the carpark at the bottom of my track regularly dipping tanks. Last Farmer who got caught, Lost his Landy and fined thousands (in lost revenue - story goes that they worked out how long he had landy, how much fuel he would have used and worked out the tax he should have paid) - Does that sound right guys?

I'll be honest and tell you i'm in Aberdeenshire.
-That said, i agree with the guys above.
Secondly, if you've got contaminated fuel - it won't just be your injectors, How about your filter, pump, lines - in fact everything from the tank to injectors.
This is something i'd attempt myself - if i was that stupid -but you're talking at least a day if not more - and that's with a limited tool kit.
Take it on the chin and go to a garage - it'll save you a lot of heart ache and put down to experience.
As far as HMRC are concerned, they turn up in the carpark at the bottom of my track regularly dipping tanks. Last Farmer who got caught, Lost his Landy and fined thousands (in lost revenue - story goes that they worked out how long he had landy, how much fuel he would have used and worked out the tax he should have paid) - Does that sound right guys?

Correct. Any white fuel that you can prove you bought they will deduct the tax for.

The story of putting red in just to off-road sounds far fetched to me.
I've heard a rumour that there are places in scotlandshire that you can take your vehicle to and hand them cash and they'll sort your problem out for you. I'm not sure what they're called up in that neck of the woods but down south we call em 'garages'. :rolleyes:

I can confirm that they also have such places even in deepest darkest Scotlandshire;););););););)

:focus: Does also seem VERY far fetched to be using Red just while 'Off-road', just to save a couple of quid, sounds like FAR FAR more hassle than it's worth:suspicious::suspicious::suspicious:
best way is to run a twin tank system, but with the switchover solenoid on the return line on a delay so it dosnt direct any red into the white tank ;)

where are you in the shire ?

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