
New Member
Hi, my name is John and I live in Kent, I have owned a Series 1 Freelander which was made in 1998 She is a 3 door manual with a detachable hard top and has done 133,000 miles.
I treat her like a baby and use her regularly, still on the original engine but before i bought her in 2003 someone had taken something off on the prop shaft making her a 2 wheel drive (sorry I am not very mechanical !).
Nice to meet you all :)

In regards to the propshaft removal. There's a good chance something failed miserably. Did you have any service package for reasons of removal. It Will be okay driving but it feels skitty on loose gravel area.
Are you in contact with the seller if so ask why they removed the part. Are all four tyres the same make or mix.
Hi fellas, glad to be aboard thank you. I have no idea why they removed the bit on the prop shaft but as I have never driven it in 4 wheel drive I wouldn't know the difference, one person did say to me that it improves the mpg and doesn't wear the rear tyres so much but I must confess she drives fine for me but does smell very diesely when she's ticking over. I have one ongoing problem and that is the red SRS light keeps coming on....any ideas why please? Many thanks
Hi fellas, glad to be aboard thank you. I have no idea why they removed the bit on the prop shaft but as I have never driven it in 4 wheel drive I wouldn't know the difference, one person did say to me that it improves the mpg and doesn't wear the rear tyres so much but I must confess she drives fine for me but does smell very diesely when she's ticking over. I have one ongoing problem and that is the red SRS light keeps coming on....any ideas why please? Many thanks
It's an old Freelander showing the signs of being an ill conceived design manufactured with marginal craftsmanship.
Hi and welcome.
I seem to remember the vcu were a problem with the freelander 1 which caused the ird to fail then the cheapest option was to have 2wd rather than replacing the ird unit. I couldn't tell you what the issue was though.
Hi fellas, glad to be aboard thank you. I have no idea why they removed the bit on the prop shaft but as I have never driven it in 4 wheel drive I wouldn't know the difference, one person did say to me that it improves the mpg and doesn't wear the rear tyres so much but I must confess she drives fine for me but does smell very diesely when she's ticking over. I have one ongoing problem and that is the red SRS light keeps coming on....any ideas why please? Many thanks
Worth popping over to the Freelander section for narrow down your problems.
As for the srs this matter of the airbags warning as their lifespan of 15years.
Diesel smell could be the turbocharger seal not fitting correctly. Or the breather case needs replacing. Freelander drives 2wd until more grip is needed when drivetrain kicks in.
Welcome to the forum, if you dont need 4wd then i suppose its not the end of the world for you but agree could do with finding out the reason it was done

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