
New Member
Hi to all,
New member just dropping in and saying hi!
Ive just purchased my 3rd disco
1st being a 3.5 v8 a few years ago
2nd being a 300tdi I loved it but had yo get rid
And now ive just purchased my 3rd a 300tdi es auto :)

Any members on here from Sheffield?
Lol im not originally from shef but im good how tha? Where abouts in shef you from mate? Id there any good off roading places around here? I only moved here just before Christmas and im into a bit of the off roading
i'm arreight lad

we don't usually blab our lanes out over an open forum matey, but we'll probably meet up before too long for a lanefest :)
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Some of the members on the forum don't feel the need to resort to the vernacular whenever Sheffield/Yorkshire is mentioned, so :welcome2: to the forum.

An' I'll si' thi' darn tarn t'neet fra' co'wd un. Si' ya' lata' pal. :D
Sounds good drop me a pm next time you go out. Maybe we should arrange a set date anf location so we could all meet up and have s "dirty weekend" :rofl:

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