Dont be silly, Ratty - If Series looked like this.........


we wouldnt hear from him for months! :rolleyes:[/quote
do u realise u just incrindged on copy right i will have to start charging for that pic :p:p:p

I rest my case:p
I didnt see the girlie complaining about the comments either... maybe she also has a thick skin.

Or a wazzo pair of jugs, and she's just re-charging the batteries on her camera as we speak before uploading some piccys;)
Oi Ratty - wotcha doing on here - get that bloody wire sorted :D.

Ya know when you have summit and ya keep seeing it......

but when yer want it ya can't remember where ya saw it .......

I can't find the switch I want to use.:eek::eek::eek:
I remember my first venture into LZ- Sean told me to do a search FFS and then took the **** out of my ignorance.

Spent the first thread telling him what a **** he was and how horrible everyone was, then by day two had fallen in love with the lot of you :eek:

This is what LZ is - it's not pretty, gentle or kind but it's bloody good fun- lighten up and roll with the punches :)

ps- am deeply upset no-one has ever asked for me to whip out my tits- still time tho :D
''ps- am deeply upset no-one has ever asked for me to whip out my tits- still time tho'' 110woman

I posted pics a while back so nobodys interested anymore...
Me and Tony feel the depiction of ladies breasts in a land rover forum totally inappropriate,
and would request you either remove the said image or failing that , show us what she's got in her pants.

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