
Hi Guys.
Am after some advice regarding the removal of the Hi / Low switch on the transfer box . I have ( I think ) worked out it’s location on the t/b and am aware that the preferred way to access it is from above by removing the trim around the centre console ( albeit fiddly) However is it possible to remove it from beneath the vehicle once up on ramps or do you need arms like Mr Tickle to be able to get to it ? We have the symptoms of the delayed throttle response and want to carry out a continuity test first to eliminate this switch before going any further.
The symptom of stuck closed hi/low switch is not delayed throttle response but more ''agressive'' one, to rule out the switch itself just unplug it and if you feel no difference it's not that...if you think it doesnt close when low is selected also unplug it and bridge the two wires to emulate the closed switch then if the switch is bad you'll feel the difference. The wires to it should be red/pink and black
Thanks for the reply Sierrafery. I will have a look at it in the next few days.
As an experiment if I was to rev the vehicle to say 1500 rpm whilst stationary in neutral and then select the low range would I see a change in revs as the ecu adapts to the different throttle response / map?
Thanks for the reply Sierrafery. I will have a look at it in the next few days.
As an experiment if I was to rev the vehicle to say 1500 rpm whilst stationary in neutral and then select the low range would I see a change in revs as the ecu adapts to the different throttle response / map?

I have no ideea as i didnt try that cos i use the tester to see the switch's input .... it might be a difference though
For anyone else who is trouble shooting a potential sticky Hi / Low switch I have ascertained that it does behave differently if you follow this example. Whilst stationary and in neutral with the revs sat at around 1500 rpm and in High move it into Low and you will notice a drop in revs. This indicates to me that the switch is not stuck,although haven’t had a chance to plug it into diagnostics to be 100%.

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