
New Member
hi ive just got my first landy, i borrowed my mates for a camping trip and caught the bug!! ive bought a 110 hardtop td, shes off for a spray job fri i have till sat to make my mind up on the colour i want something between black and blue metalic any suggestions? great site !! when my landy starts cold theres white smoke there is an oil leak above sump on gearbox, and theres staining just below heater plugs. I travelled 300 mile in landy when i picked her up and everything seemed fine as it still does, should i worry about above, i want to get a good few years out her and will be travelling to france spain camping next year with the nippers and missiz im also going to use her for work so i want to make her as reliable as possible so any tips would be greatly appreciated cheers, ps can anyone recomend a checker plate supplier
dont waste yer money on a paint job

seeing as your new we'll ignore yer checker plate comment

spend your dosh sorting out any issue that might stop yer landy moveing and stopping, dont spend money on making it look nice when it's parked up on yer drive with a dead engine
i would say get all the mechanical side of things sorted out first, then get it resprayed!!. However you can get it painted before then sort the engine out!!. As for the colour i would go for a gloss black paint with plenty of laquer over it to make it look reflective. I would also recomend using a good bodyshop who take time and have a oven!!
i would say get all the mechanical side of things sorted out first, then get it resprayed!!. However you can get it painted before then sort the engine out!!. As for the colour i would go for a gloss black paint with plenty of laquer over it to make it look reflective. I would also recomend using a good bodyshop who take time and have a oven!!

ere mate seeing as you've just admitted to buying a 1.8 petrol freebe i'm not sure if your awake enough to be giving advice ? :)
hi sean , good advice, i need to put her straight to work im a roofer and dont want to turn up at customers houses in a rough looking motor but i also want keep her running for a long time , chassis and bulkhead and all body panels are good but paint work naff
me is sniggering ere, which is more than can be said fer mr freebe when he finds out what a liability he's got

ah well
hi sean , good advice, i need to put her straight to work im a roofer and dont want to turn up at customers houses in a rough looking motor but i also want keep her running for a long time , chassis and bulkhead and all body panels are good but paint work naff

but if yer dont get yer mechanicals sorted you wont be getting to yer work

no point having a fancy paint job if if dunt go when you press the fast forward pedal
true sean shes running and getting from a to b i was hoping to get any other work needed done at weekends kepping her running through the week , ive been told 300 tdi is the best engine although mine seem fine apart from white smoke on starting do you think it would be better to put a 300 tdi in or spend money on td ?
for what you probably end up spending getting the TD all funky you'd be able to buy a good used 200 out of a disco to replace the TD - putting a 300 in is much more expensive to buy and a bit more work to fit

as long as it's not smoking all of the time and doesnt use more oil than diesel you'll probably get plenty more miles out of it yet
oils stayed at same level for 400 miles and smoke stops after a 5mins there a 110k on clock ill get a pic on tomorrow for a before an after.
take the oil filler cap off when the engine is running, if you get a steady puff puff from it it's not a good sign but it'll give you plenty of notice before it dies
thanks i will check that tomorrow, whats the best way to get more life out of your chassis mines had out riggers welded everthing else seems ok, whats he best way to clean the chassis out ive put my fingers in drain holes and i could feel a load of crud inside box section :rolleyes::eek:
thanx i live on a hill so that shouldnt be a prob ! my last thread 4 2nite thank for your help! i dont care what they say about you sean i think your alright........

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