
New Member

I hope this forum may become a place of longterm interest soon!... I'm looking for a Disco 3 and have a question if anyone might care to give their views?... please.

Basically I have a max £16k budget for a general workhorse, I have to deliver a few boxes now and then for my own business but then to double as a family truckster at the weekends. Not too bothered about spec but would like (wipe clean) leather and of course diesel auto.

My question is re high milers for sale... what is a high miler for a 2005 or 06 in your opinion and do you think they are worth buying subject to condition?

Is there anything that I should be wary of?

I'm going to look at an SE 05/55 (independent dealer) supposedly in v good cond 93k on the clock full service history and new tyres for an asking price of £15850. Does anyone have any opinions on that price/milage maybe?

My wife thinks I'm mad considering a car over 60k miles for that money but I try to explain that these big diesel engines can handle twice as much as the average Ford Focus! She says I should buy a G Cherokee of Toureg with less miles for the money! (different cars I know!)

Any opinions welcome. Would be great to hear from you?

Thanks in advance. David, Twickenham.
:welcome2:really its hard to say it's what you consider high all the cars i've had lowest one i brought was a Modeo with 63tho on the clock had more probs with that than some of the hig milers i've had, or you can have a car low milage no probs, one of those things
if it's been a company motor they should'v been looked after which if has a service history is better

as you say modern motors as long as they's been look after no problems when i brought mine it had 120tho on the clock and thats a 2000 es Auto. best bet is have a search throu the Disco section do a search for you particular model use the search bar under where it says My Topics top of page

Thanks Rob.

Of course there's no miracle answer but I suppose I'm hoping for reassurance for anyone who says, 6 cylinder diesels run for 2,3, 400k no problem and 93k is nothing for a car like that!

I guess it depends a lot on the service history.

Ideally I'm looking to convince my wife that for the budget it's better to spend it on a higher milage disco rather than a lower milage pathfinder, touareg or jeep commander!
Wish my budget was like that!! We recently purchased our first Discovery, with a budget of............£2000 : ) Love it and it runs a treat, for now:D
Well, its a necessity really. It's a strange one. The LR dealers make you feel like a peasant for not affording their £30K used motors on their forecourt! but even this budget of mine is a major consideration for me.... I run a bathroom business and it's either buy a car plus a van or a just disco to have the 2 rolled into one so it's a business equation is some ways. I've been thinking through the options a lot. Anyhow, a chat with the wife tonight and I think she understands as long as there's a good service history a 90k+ disco 3 wont be a bad purchase.
Got one. Months of research. One came up down the road. Too good a deal to turn up and surprisingly genuine low milage - 53k on an 04 Disco 3. Sure you'll agree. So now I feel part of this club. The only problem is I wont have the guts yet to take mine off road!! My son keeps asking when we are buying one of those cars that drive in rivers! Thanks again for your feedback.

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