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i have a 1974 series 3 that's been changed to 200tdi but due to new stupid low emission laws i need to change back to 2.25 petrol.
Has anyone done this ? does anyone want to swap engines it they are not within m25 zone.

200tdi engine has done 9000 miles only. :welcome2::crazy_driver:
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Where are you? Why do you need to change the engine?

If its only because of emmissions then try adjusting the fuel pump a bit...may help and avoid an engine change.

If you really have to i'll take the tdi for a decent 2.25
:welcome2: sounds a bit daft to be honest... but then again it is stoopid old england were taking about.... :ballchain:
Where are you? Why do you need to change the engine?

If its only because of emmissions then try adjusting the fuel pump a bit...may help and avoid an engine change.

If you really have to i'll take the tdi for a decent 2.25

My Land Rover does not comply with the 2012 London low emissions law coming out, and if i don't change back to a petrol engine i will have to pay 100 quid a day to park it on my drive :mad: :mad: :mad:

Will the petrol engine fit my gearbox ok, and could i use the 2.0 TDI radiator etc making the change back easier and cheaper ;)
I know the fuel tank will need to be replaced or flushed aswell
if u can pm me if you wish to change my 200tdi engine for a 2.25 petrol im in beckenham kent
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Unless you enjoy lots of spam in your inbox I'd remove your e-mail addy and ask them to PM you.
if u can email me if you wish to change my 200tdi engine for a 2.25 petrol im in beckenham kent

try not to publish personnel details, like email on here, don't forget it's a public forum, we use private messaging for that sort of thing

on a lighter note :welcome2: to the looney bin :D
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I have a 2.25 petrol engine we can swap...but mine is on a pallet ready to go...will your engine be out and ready for me to throw in the back of my 90?

PM me too...as the wise men say...
downgrading to a 2.25 - that's something you'll not be doing very often

OOH Hello Sean!! :):) I thought the yeti's had got yer :( or the locals had stuck ya in a big wicker basket thingy and burnt it?? :eek:
200tdi is still in series 3 and machanic just had bike crash but need to get it done soon as he is up and about or if u wanted to pop round and swap them over thats fine to lol.
Where are you? Why do you need to change the engine?

If its only because of emmissions then try adjusting the fuel pump a bit...may help and avoid an engine change.

If you really have to i'll take the tdi for a decent 2.25

thanks i will call you when its out hopefully it wont be to long .
still trying to get my series 3 re classified as an estate car has anyone already managed to do this if so any tips on what is needed .tfl and london emissions zone is a tax on those who can least afford it.and if its to do with emissions why are some cars exempt even when they have the same engine this makes no sense just p1ssess me of .

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