Its a Land Rover Defender 90 2.5 TD5 Pick-Up 2dr ..right now I have a fiat 500 1.2 pop so I am expecting a MASSIVE expense increase … I don't drive a lot of miles , my fiat after having it for 9 years only has 44500 on the clock ..I want a landrover simply because I love the look of them , have done for many years ,I know it will be expensive in comparison to my fiat that I will part exchange for , but I work full time , postman , £355 per week take home ,own my own house , no mortgage , no wife, no kids , I don't have holidays , I don't drink a lot ..I would use it to get me to work and back , a total of 10 miles per day ,5 days per week , and just occasional local drives to the coast with my mountain bike on the back ..
Sounds good! Yes it will cost more to run, but if you're anything like me you'll be driving something that puts a smile on your face every time you get in it, which actually, you cant put a price on! Go for it! But remember its almost a lifestyle choice, not just a vehicle!! :)
I want a landrover simply because I love the look of them

Please tell me you have at least driven one?

If not then go test drive one, hire one from SHB hire fleet services and actually spend a week behind the wheel of one, they are an acquired taste, and a vehicle that I have seen the wealthy well to do's in the horsey circuit buy and sell in quick succession after finding out that the massively expensive vehicle, with all it's go anywhere rugged looks and ability was simply not the most comfortable thing to be sat behind the wheel of when compared to their BMW X5 or Mercedes ML.

I'm not trying to be a downer but I can honestly say that going from a car to what is essentially a high speed light tractor is certainly a culture shock and one you should investigate fully before you go and spunk your hard earned on your dream motor only to find out it turns into a nightmare.
like any big car its going to cost more to run, compared to your fiat the fuel consumption will obviously be more and wont be as good economy wise compared to the little fiat
Take somebody who knows Defenders with you when you look at any prospective purchase, if possible. The Td5 engine is pretty good, provided it's looked after. It will repay you when it's regularly serviced.
As others have advised, try to get a good feel for them before you buy.
And your old little Fiat? You could put it in as a down payment on a tankful of diesel. :D
Only thing or so to say.

Take someone who knows Fenders with you. or it could get expensive real quick.

Other than that, if you are going to service it yourself, then the costs are not that bad, sure you will not get the MPG you get from the Fiat, but you do not do the miles.

Make sure insurance is OK and remember to buy a few locks and be prepared to use them including a tracker , so that is an extra cost.

Thanks for all your replies ..Every one of them makes Good Sense .. your right about test driving it first , as I have never driven one before ...I know what to expect though , I am not after comfort , just Fun a postman I have driven a variety of vans ,my favourite was a Bedford , it shaked and rattled like an old bus ,but that's what give it character !! I Am not looking to buy a Land rover simply to get from A to B ..I Want to own one because I just love them , as I have done for the past 30 years but never had one , and since they have stopped making them now , I want one even more!!
Thanks for all your replies ..Every one of them makes Good Sense .. your right about test driving it first , as I have never driven one before ...I know what to expect though , I am not after comfort , just Fun a postman I have driven a variety of vans ,my favourite was a Bedford , it shaked and rattled like an old bus ,but that's what give it character !! I Am not looking to buy a Land rover simply to get from A to B ..I Want to own one because I just love them , as I have done for the past 30 years but never had one , and since they have stopped making them now , I want one even more!!
That old bus is how a fender is out of the factory. They just get worse from there. When looking for a possible purchase turn up in old clothes or better, overalls. You'll need to get under it.
Are you sure it's a 2 door because nineties, especially pick ups, come in a wide varied range of configurations? Just expect a bigger car and smaller all at once.
Please tell me you have at least driven one?

If not then go test drive one, hire one from SHB hire fleet services and actually spend a week behind the wheel of one, they are an acquired taste, and a vehicle that I have seen the wealthy well to do's in the horsey circuit buy and sell in quick succession after finding out that the massively expensive vehicle, with all it's go anywhere rugged looks and ability was simply not the most comfortable thing to be sat behind the wheel of when compared to their BMW X5 or Mercedes.
I'm not trying to be a downer but I can honestly say that going from a car to what is essentially a high speed light tractor is certainly a culture shock and one you should investigate fully before you go and spunk your hard earned on your dream motor only to find out it turns into a nightmare.

I went from an Audi a4 avant and an Audi TT to a 30+ year old Suzuki SJ (I wanted a Defender but couldn't afford the one I wanted) people probably thought I was mad but I just about loved every minute of that old, uncomfortable dinosaur of a car. I now have a d2 and it is soo comfortable to drive but I often miss the raw driving experience of the sj, being thrown about at every corner, feeling every bump in the road, never being able to let your guard down. It turns an everyday, mundane commute into something of fun and excitement.

I think the op will thoroughly enjoy the experience!
I went from an Audi a4 avant and an Audi TT to a 30+ year old Suzuki SJ (I wanted a Defender but couldn't afford the one I wanted) people probably thought I was mad but I just about loved every minute of that old, uncomfortable dinosaur of a car. I now have a d2 and it is soo comfortable to drive but I often miss the raw driving experience of the sj, being thrown about at every corner, feeling every bump in the road, never being able to let your guard down. It turns an everyday, mundane commute into something of fun and excitement.

I think the op will thoroughly enjoy the experience!
Only if he's like you. Otherwise, he'll hate it. That's what we're all trying to say.
I went from an Audi a4 avant and an Audi TT to a 30+ year old Suzuki SJ (I wanted a Defender but couldn't afford the one I wanted) people probably thought I was mad but I just about loved every minute of that old, uncomfortable dinosaur of a car. I now have a d2 and it is soo comfortable to drive but I often miss the raw driving experience of the sj, being thrown about at every corner, feeling every bump in the road, never being able to let your guard down. It turns an everyday, mundane commute into something of fun and excitement.

I think the op will thoroughly enjoy the experience!

You thought of it as though every journey was an adventure, which is nice and good for you that you were able to enjoy it, but the OP isn't you and he might well get in it and bash his elbow at every roundabout, get a stiff knee from the dodgy clutch pedal positioning, be too tall and have a hard time getting comfortable in the driving position, he might have a bad back and find driving it more than 5 miles is a proper pain and gives him pain.

The Defender is not just any other car on the market and even a an old SJ410/413 can be quite comfortable as the driving position is more relaxed.

My point really is that, he's not you, you bought a Japanese SJ which is still different to a Defender and that he really needs to drive one for a week or two to get used to it and be honest with himself as to whether or not he could live with it day to day, I know people who spent €80,000 on a Defender only to sell it within 6 months as it looked the part, cost the right amount but simply wasn't the car they were comfortable driving from the heart of Belgium to the South of France for their holiday.
Sounds good! Yes it will cost more to run, but if you're anything like me you'll be driving something that puts a smile on your face every time you get in it, which actually, you cant put a price on! Go for it! But remember its almost a lifestyle choice, not just a vehicle!! :)

tis right on all accounts

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