
Hi i have a 2004 discovery no dif lock i have a noise comimg from the transmisson side of it as in neutral the noise goes it makes it spund like a train like a chuffing noise its hard to describe i do have a video clip with noise in i will try to upload any help would be great i have checked the props and all seems fine .



Thanks for a reply, it does it in high or low so not on speed traveling im asuming the diffs are ok on it by spinning wheels when jacked i was guessing a gearbox fault of some description.

If its related to engine speed rather than road speed it's somewhere between the clutch and the transfer box. The one in the vid sounded like a knackered gearbox
Hi thanks for reply om trying to uoliad my video but seems the same noises yeh gets faster with speed . Just trying to see if worth fixing or stripping it .

Watch "Td5 discovery transmission noise" on YouTube

This is what i managed to get of mine last night if more helpfull . Thanks again .
Maybe a silly thing to ask,
but have you been underneath and checked the props and UJ's

Hi yes i did hopefully get back under later and double check it all. With weather and work making it difficult . Find this forum usefull as people mention stuff u may miss to look at its proberly going to be something unusual. It did have a recon box over a year ago but never has been fantastic gear wise.

If it’s road speed affected then transfer box onwards. Have you checked the parking brake? Also ujs are best checked with wheels in the air so you can rotate the prop
Il check that out the parking brake when back under it later and see. I did pull it up a little to see if made any difference by taking up any slack .

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