Hi bugdonut, are you another clever guy that works on their landy's? In other words are you mechanically minded?:cool:

FFS acne boy leave the newbies alone. We don't want them to think the sites full of loonies do we now.

Ignore him Bugdonut and he'll go away, he's harmless but stupid.
He probably thinks what the feck have i let my self in for. Now stop embarrassing the poor chap and go do some home work or summat.

no no no! yu got him all rong, Redhand. Pratb has now got the title of stupid old fart, kindly relinquished from me :D coz he is the oldest member (sed advisably)
Sorry to hijack ur post Bugdonut but think of this site like a friendly close community, well every community has it's own village idiot or retard and Paulb is ours.
no no no! yu got him all rong, Redhand. Pratb has now got the title of stupid old fart, kindly relinquished from me :D coz he is the oldest member (sed advisably)

Nah titles like that have to be earned and defended with honour. Spotty little retard is as much as Pratboy is entitled to.
defend,honour, what a load of bollocks being typed. I off to somewhere more suitable of my upbringing.
My standard of livings dropped since Lz, it ain't very productive is it. I mean, is there a forum for rent boy's asks Sirus. How the should I now.:(

You told redhand you were selling yur ring on street corners in another fred. Sorry if I got the wrong end of your dirty stick
sorry i didn't answer yesterday but duty called. yes i like too try and fix my landy although mostly i then need to repair something else i broke in prosess.

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