got to this new site looks the biz even if it took ages for a not very good with these computer thingys one of the old school if it broke make a new bit and fix it not stick it in diagnostic yeah had a moan its me age any way you will be thinking why has he posted with p38a well ive got this terrible sickness called green oval syndrome there is no cure you know even after a bone shaker 1969 series 2a diesel with all the comforts it even had would you credit it a feature for winter driving called look more ice on inside of windows than out but hey still loved fixing it up and driving it. Then o by the way you will have noticed I put a capital and full stop in getting good a but don't hold yer breath, then there was my county 110 brown and cream she was gorgeouse but the skin of the rice pudding kept passing us,sorry to see it go though but the tax man wanted some cash. so had the meantime had bmw 633 csi 78vintage ,granadas bmw 530 now a 1.8 freelander really great to drive but not all that much fun and now ive also purchased a 2000 38a told you (no cure) with problems great fun yes keep me busy in my retirement great. anyway if because of my not so great skills on the keys HELLO to all of you lovely members and you GUYS that put it all together a big thankyou for a great and really helpful site hope this was not to long.cheers dave.
Hi Dave and welcome,there are some clever clever people on here,willing to hep(i am not one of them). put your location in then if you are stuck, someone local maybe able to come and have a look at your problem, if you have any. Mick
Welcome to the funny farm, you have come to the right place the info and help is second to none as is the p*** taking and leg pulling but it makes for an enjoyable ride:D

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