
New Member
Hi Guys

Just thought I'd pop in and say Hi ! :D I've just bought my first disco 200tdi which I'm now fixing up with a new paint job and a cosmetic up lift and some new mods to get her ready for off road ! I'm a member of the South London and Surrey Land Rover Club and will be showing her off publicly at our London to Brighton run in October so keep a look out for her she will stand out ! she is Mat black and neon pink like anyone could miss it ! lol ! Any tips or advice gratefully received as I said I am a newbie but I love my baby and will do whatever I can to keep her going for many years to come.
Brian47 paint job already done ! no going back now Already had people asking me if im selling her ! shes a real head turner and more to the point its my car and at least I know that i wont lose her in a car park with her being a standard colour ! at the end of the day I drive it and i pay for it so gonna do it how i want it couldnt care less what anyone else thinks on her paint job just wanted some advice on how to keep her going for years to come ! Lilman & BillyB thanks for the tip but luckily dad can weld so he will do it for me but she had both inner and outer sills and boot floor welded for last mot so I have saved a bit there !
Yeah show us some pink :behindsofa:

Not sure on how to upload pics as yet otherwise i would ! Lol ! will see what I can do guys ! all thats left for me to do is the vinyl but being that i only get one day off a week i'm struggling to find time to get her finished completely but being that ive only had her a week i think she looks pretty good !

Lol ! that was kind of the point ! lol ! Ive never been the low key type so I thought i'd reflect that through my disco ! lol !

I'll keep you all posted on her progress as the work is being done ! lol x
She is being done up as a safari car with the zebra stripes although it is pink and black rather than the normal black and white but as a club we do alot of work for cancer research and the race for life etc so the pink kind of stands but also just because i love the fact the people look at the car and promotes the club we have our annual london to brighton run on the 6th/7th october hope to see you all there ! the website for entry on to the run is SLSLRC London 2 Brighton Land Rover Run come join us we all have a great weekend with over 500 cars and events etc at brighton. She will be finished by then so you can all see the finished article I call my Disco. :cheer2:
Hi Discodiva welcome to the forum from one 200 owner to another . That's one sexy Landy . Keep her going ! I was in London this Weekend to see Pink at the 0O2 fantastic show and then saw Chelsea play at home yesterday. Will look forward to following your progress. Good luck , just watch out for the miserable ones on here , some of the stuff they write about you aint pleasant .Fab Landy once again ! Top Banana .:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Thanks discogal ! if you read previous posts on this link i think you will see i can hold my own ! lol ! i'm a member of a club that is 90% blokes and the amount of crap they have given me about the disco being pink is unbelievable ! but thanks for the heads up ! lol ! and i will keep you posted and at the end of the day if its not theirs and they dont pay for it their opinions dont matter ! lol ! :rolly:

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