
New Member
Just bought a Disco TD5 2001 I have searched the the forum and cant find what im looking for so will ask here as well as saying Hi.

1. At low speed there is a noise low level when turning corners, (steering pump may be) however if i push the clutch in the noise stops, let the clutch out and starts again, but this is only when cornering.

2. Is this normal ( when the engine is running i have noticed the power steering and suspension reservoir fluids wizz round at some rate in the reservoir) maybe just me but i have never seen this happen in other cars.

3. Low level vibration that is only noticeable when stopped and the engine is ticking over,

sorry if i should not ask questions here just it made sense to me to put it all together instead of 4 posts,

thanks in advance for your help
Well 46 of you read this and not one person said welcome or Hi to the forum i must say you friendly warm welcome has all but made me think i must be some sort of leper I dont have B.O. i dont shoot animals and i dont molest children.

But thanks anyway
Me neither;) Don't take it personally but not every single person gets a welcome. Ye need a thick skin and guid sense o' humour tae be on here and not takin' the pet if nobody has an answer fur ye.
Oh, and welcome:D

Ermmm.. and what's wrong wi' BO and shootin' animals????
Wow...well done on making it to your third post before throwing your toys out of the pram...

Its a bank holiday, maybe people are out enjoying themselves, shooting children and molesting animals.

I have no idea what the problem with your disco is...ive just had a beer outside in copenhagen and can tell you that the totty is of the highest order.

Hope this helps.
I think yu are on to a red herring - there is no correlation between depressing the clutch and steering. Maybe you need to investigate more.

Oh - and why are you depressing the clutch when cornering?:doh:
Just bought a Disco TD5 2001 I have searched the the forum and cant find what im looking for so will ask here as well as saying Hi.

1. At low speed there is a noise low level when turning corners, (steering pump may be) however if i push the clutch in the noise stops, let the clutch out and starts again, but this is only when cornering.
This is the sound of your engine, big lump under the bonnet.

2. Is this normal ( when the engine is running i have noticed the power steering and suspension reservoir fluids wizz round at some rate in the reservoir) maybe just me but i have never seen this happen in other cars.
Avoid whizzing around in reservoirs, buy a snorkel and drive sensibly underwater.

3. Low level vibration that is only noticeable when stopped and the engine is ticking over.
This is very wrong, at tickover and standstill everything should shake like Jordan using a pneumatic drill.

Ha ha ha Storm it helped a lot thanks but at least spitting my dummy out got some response, and yes im thick skinned so np there.

Pressing the clutch when cornering was only done to see what happened to the noise dont normally drive like that opps hang on i might no just checked !!!!!

The noises are minimal to be honest the biggest thing was the movement in the Power steering fluid movement bothered me the most as i have never seen anything like it lol, but maybe the dead (or i thought so) small dog i shot was not actually dead when i stuffed it there to keep it warm cant stand cold blood just sticks to your teeth when drinking.

Nice to know im not the only strange person, and do you all work in Banks or something, and do you go on holiday every weekend if so i will keep my posts for bank working days lol
2. Is this normal ( when the engine is running i have noticed the power steering and suspension reservoir fluids wizz round at some rate in the reservoir) maybe just me but i have never seen this happen in other cars.
This is normal
3. Low level vibration that is only noticeable when stopped and the engine is ticking over,
please can you give me an advice what exactly is a low level vibration when we are talking about a 2.5l diesel engine?

btw hello
btw hello

Hi Ahaggar

Thanks for the answer on the power steering etc. as for the vibration the best way i can describe it is: when the car comes to a stop say at traffic lights as soon as you stop its like the engine is reving at about 1500rpm however if you look at the tako it says 900rpm over the next 5-10 seconds or so the vibration will reduce as if the rpm was reducing, also if you blip the throttle it will reduce the vibration quicker. I dont know much about the Disco yet so maybe its normal
I dont know much about the Disco yet so maybe its normal

Don`t you have any other Disco around for a short Testdrive?
Sorting out strange Vibrations on the Internet is a bit difficult i think.

And I think you`re from GB so it shouldn`t be a challenge to find a good mechanic?
Hiya - Welcome
Not sure about 1 and 2 but had similar to 3 on my Defender. After much head scratching it turnjed oput thyat it was only the bonnet fixings (hinges) needed tightening up.
Good luck

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