Matthew lawson

New Member

An elderly friend of mine has been told that he can't drive anymore and has asked me if I can help him sell his much loved Land Rover Discovery.

It is a K reg (1992 i think) 2.5 turbo diesel which he has owned from new it has been dealer maintained its only done 58k and is in pretty good nick.

it's recently had a new battery and cam belt and a few other bits, it had some welding done last year, so its all good now.

my first question is what do you guys think is it worth, I have know Idea?

thanks Matt
I'm sure that you'll have no problem selling it, look on eBay for similar spec ones using the sold items filter as this will show what they sold for not just what some people want for them
Early D1 prices are a bit hit&miss at the mo, early 'G' reg 3-doors are creeping, obviously some are better condition and price than others and most of the deadun's are blitzed for series running gear:rolleyes:
in August I bought a 'j' plate 200tdi 3door D1 for £400 (drunk in charge of egay, well it was a 500mile round-trip:oops: and it's been good, okey so there was an oil leaking type gearbox that I replaced & have just sorted the fuel system but it's easily passed another mot & toes the hossbox:cool:)
A year previous I bought another mot'd 3-door 200tdi also in the same colour for £450 but there was nearly a spare disco with it :p Admittedly I've started an almost restoration on it and it's been in bits for 18months :mad:

Unfortunately work gets in the way of important stuff like playing with projects ;)

The opposite side of the financial scale has this
Look at this on eBay:

Land Rover Discovery TDI


Hope it's as good as the price looks o_O

Although if your friends disco is a 3-door in met green I might be interested as my Mrs wants a full set of '200' 3-door D1's (G-M reg...)

Nah, it's a sort of metalic blue.

I think he'd be happy with the nearly £20k that they are after for that one... that's incredible, it does look nice but with 92k on the clock it's obviously been used?

i think Dens is nearer to the £20k one than the £450 in condition if not price.
Photos are always good :cool:

As to values, there's a few on egay at the mo to guage an idea, seen a few for £800, few for more & few for less o_O

Shame is that most people think of the D1 as a donor engine for a series or as the 'ugly duckling' LR and a poor-mans RangeRover or Chelsea trak'or :rolleyes:
There's some great ones left but they're getting like real RR's were - low value so scrapped ~10+ years ago & now climbing in value as a collectors resto projects ;)

There's not too many early ones left as is & 3-doors are less common ;)

thanks, food for thought, we were really hoping it was worth a bit more than that, its way too good to scrap or take the engine out of, it is a 3 door.
i'm quite looking forward to getting my hands on it on Sunday to have a look.
I think it's nice looking I used to have a 3 door 200tdi but I think it's over priced
oh, I have had a few messages about it but only 1 that sounded serious, he said that he thought it was a bit over priced and asked if we would consider an offer, I said that we would and he said he'd get back to me, but he hasn't.

Maybe it is just a bit too dear for what it is.

We Buy Any Car offered £65
To be honest there going for around 800 to 1200 for a good 300 tdi yours looks a very nice 200tdi 3 door id say about 1600 I would not pay more than
Looks mint mate. Well worth the money in my book. Bloody daft what these go for. Hate the blue myself, but in that condition I'd have it in a heartbeat if I had the space.
Thanks Guys, Sold it, I had a load of calls all offering less money, Then the first guy who came to see it offered us 2½k which we accepted, then everyone else said they'd pay more.
but it's gone, Dennis is happy with the £2500
so it's all good, apart from a few people who seemed genuinely upset that they'd missed it.

any how, Thanks again.

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