He's right ya know :eek:


Your turn :p:p

:eek: :crazy:

Chuffin hell Brian! I can't unsee thing you know :mad:
christ sake grimmer, just post up those official rules you've got:D:D

These are in no way made up, and should be regarded as totally official :rulez::rulez:

I won't bore anyone with the complete :rulez:, just the relevant ones;);)

Landyzone :rulez: section 5a - All noobs of the female persuasion shall bare their norks in a Landy based scenario for the perusal of the wider membership if asked nicely by the aforementioned membership (well some members anyway*).

*in this context "some" can be taken to mean more than 2.

So there it is, get em out, you can't argue with the :rulez::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

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