
New Member
Hello everyone. Pleased to meet you all. Hope to be able to contribute in some way in the future. BUT. probably like many newbies, I've posted a question in the Range rover section.

Sorry to ask for help on my first posts here!

By the way Fatrover I like your avatar. - I used to be a goat farmer with 140 milking goats. A land rover is easy meat to maintain compared to those critters - if you know what I am on about!

Any way pleased to be here.....

Hi Brian,

Used to live in Wiltshire for many a year (last 15 years in tiny village in the Pewsey Vale, but with 8k acres of good shooting syndicate and more opportunities to use Landy capabilities than you could shake a hairy stick at!)

Don't know where you are, but you might just know the terrain too.

Good to see you aboard here, anyway.
Hi Brian,

Used to live in Wiltshire for many a year (last 15 years in tiny village in the Pewsey Vale, but with 8k acres of good shooting syndicate and more opportunities to use Landy capabilities than you could shake a hairy stick at!)

Don't know where you are, but you might just know the terrain too.

Good to see you aboard here, anyway.

Yep , I know Pewsey et al. Used to commute to Swindon / London a lot in the past so got to Know the dreaded M4 and all beyond !

'Fraid my joining here was initially out of desperation! But I am glad I found the forum now. Thanks for dropping by....
Hope you find what you're looking (as they sing on the song)....give my best to the Wiltshire countryside when you next see her through your windscreen (Its a bit bloody flat here in my temporary abode in Cambridgeshire!!)

Yes, I sympathise!. Don't ask why but I had to go and inspect feilds of cabbages there once!. Can't work out where you are. All the Tee junctions look the same apart from near Eley Cathedral.


I am in Earith, on the River Great Ouse (not literally, most of the time at least), but close enough to Ely to still recognise an incline when I see one!

As for inspecting fields of cabbages, I will certainly not ask why. The mind boggles (as does my V8 at the moment, sadly).


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