
Hello friends,

a friend of mine said "my condolances" to me when I told him we bought a Landrover series 2A, but I guess it isn't that bad!
Happy to be on the Landyzone forum, and guys and dolls; I'm going to need your expertise every once and a while.
But I'm not lazy and willing to work and learn

Good choice of vehicle. We had a Series 2 Forward Control years ago, so I have a soft spot for them. Welcome.
hi Jasper, i'm not sure what you mean by that?
I mean rather than your friend offering condolences he should be congratulating you these old trucks are great fun and despite the hardship ,they always put a smile on your face when behind the wheel!
Yes thanks Jasper! now I understand what you mean!
True - it feels like holidays the minute you get in the truck, and although I'm aware that things can go wrong technically I feel it can always be quite easily solved.

Guys, thanks for your welcome-words!
Have you had time to look at my post "ticking series 2A" perhaps?
A great big welcome. My way I see lots of Dutch 4x4 travelling through to enjoy off roading n touring. You have not bought a dog. There is a long history of landy's in Holland. I do not need to tell you that. The Dutch Army have a long history of using
A great big welcome. My way I see lots of Dutch 4x4 travelling through to enjoy off roading n touring. You have not bought a dog. There is a long history of landy's in Holland. I do not need to tell you that. The Dutch Army have a long history of using
thanks John, actually mine comes from the dutch army!
Nothing wrong with the 2a at all! I have my eye on one that has been abandoned up here, they look great, run great and hold their value really well when looked after!
Love series 2a as well. Best series to my mind! :)
Little bit more usable than an s1, and don't cost a fortune. Less plastic, and better metal, than an s3.
And the appearance is recognisable to most everyone in the world as a Landrover! :)

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