
New Member
I have a Freelander TD4 - I had the turbo replaced and still having power problems!!!! After the Turbo was fitted it wasnt too bad. Then my clutch packed up. That was replaced. Dont know what the guys did to my car - Now it has even less power!!!

ALSO while the guys was working on the clutch someone must have fiddled with the radio. When I got the car back the radio didnt work - it tried to tune it ect ect. nothing worked. So i popped a cd in -it worked fine. A couple of days later my radio was working again!?!?! About a week later suddenly the radio went off again and ever since i just listen to cd's.

Any advice??

Ask the question in the Freelander section,

Probably the MAF sensor is buggered, but in only know about 300tdi engines, TD4's are new to me
Down by the gearbox is the vacuum reservoir for the VNT turbo, check all the vacuum pipes to and from it, it's the only thing they SHOULD have touched when they did the clutch

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