I am the (****)artist formerly known as Minesthechevy, but having lost my old p/word, it's easier to re-register.

I'm in the middle of following the instructions from Mantamad on installing Facelift headlights to a preFacelift MY2000 TD5 Discovery, and have a few questions.

First, about the site. I have previously downloaded and printed his instructions, and the photos are sharp. Viewing them now online they are well out-of-focus and watermarked PhotoBucket. I have allowed all scripts, but there are no scripts referring to Photobucket. How do I get them in focus without registering with PhotoBucket please?

Secondly, about the grille. The implication in the instructions (page 16) is that the old grille is used. Mine was broken, and I'm going to lash out on the KBX Saudi-lookalike jobbie. The KBX website talks about two options <<< The inserts are easy to fit requiring no tools or drilling. There are two versions of the inserts which are designed to fit model years 1999-2001 (KBXD2SB-1 and KBXD2TS-1) and for model years 2002-2004 (KBXD2SB-2 and KBXD2TS-2).>>>

Would those who know better than me use the pre-Facelift grille (because it's a MY2000) or a post-Facelift grille (because they are post-Facelift lights). My inclination is the former, because Mantamad did not say that a later grille was part of the conversion, even though some cutting is required.

This could be expensive if I get it wrong.....

All help appreciated.
Welcome to the forum

Photobucket changed from being free to charging. During this process they p*ssed oft a lot of users. Fair enough they were using the site for free due to advertising... If the owner of the potobucket account has too many photo's uploaded or the bandwidth of the forum views of their photo's is above their account limit, then photobucket will blur them and try to blackmail them to pay instead of using a free account. There's nothing yer can do about it.

Main forum index:

Welcome to the forum

Photobucket changed from being free to charging. During this process they p*ssed oft a lot of users. Fair enough they were using the site for free due to advertising... If the owner of the potobucket account has too many photo's uploaded or the bandwidth of the forum views of their photo's is above their account limit, then photobucket will blur them and try to blackmail them to pay instead of using a free account. There's nothing yer can do about it.

Main forum index:


Thanks for the info - and my apologies, I will move myself to the Discovery forum for any future enquiries.
Welcome to the forum

Photobucket changed from being free to charging. During this process they p*ssed oft a lot of users. Fair enough they were using the site for free due to advertising... If the owner of the potobucket account has too many photo's uploaded or the bandwidth of the forum views of their photo's is above their account limit, then photobucket will blur them and try to blackmail them to pay instead of using a free account. There's nothing yer can do about it.
That can’t be true, you always seem to fix it?
Makes your smiley guy look like he’s been shat on, but he’s fine now waving away.
That can’t be true, you always seem to fix it?
Makes your smiley guy look like he’s been shat on, but he’s fine now waving away.
Yer can cheat it by clicking on reply to a post with blurred photo's, then clicking on preview within the reply option, then eggspanding the quoted post section. ;)

If you post the reply it will show blurred again.

I have been going through my photo's ter move them to imgur. A painful job but i have loads of FL stuff as a reference for others ter use. I won't change the wave smilie unless i come across it as theres too many ter change.

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