mainly been to yarwell p+p or down the dead end lane near fen drayton lakes. it can test you knowing where your wheels are in the wet else you end up not being able to get back out again apart from that it just access to the river

Whats yarwell like? I keep meaning to try it when i have some spare time.
Ive heard of the lane in Over if thats the same one but havent been down there myself yet.
yarwell is perfect for standard trucks up to the monsters i have taken mine there twice while it was standard but really want to get back now I have played with it.

give me a shout when you next go out playing and I may be able to join
yarwell is perfect for standard trucks up to the monsters i have taken mine there twice while it was standard but really want to get back now I have played with it.

give me a shout when you next go out playing and I may be able to join

Yeh no worries bud, give me the heads up when you are up for yarwell again.
hoping to get across this sunday just need to try getting my transfer lever to select both high and low then I'm set
£25 for a full truck for the full day so long as everyone has a belt you can have a full truck need to sort my rear diff seal and transfer lever before going though. hopefully get it done this saturday then play sunday
Sounds cheap for a whole day. I really need to try and get a spare wheel and tyre sorted out as i just sold my original set of 17s for some 16s to put some bigger MTs on.
Hi mate welcome, I'm new here too.

If you want to join me im going to be doing some lanes on sunday near Braintree if youre up for it?
Hello bud, what you driving? Are you from round that area? Yeh i will let you know. Cheers
I have no idea tbh, its uncharted territory hopefully should be challenging. Theres another fella on here joining me coming from braintree in a disco 2 I think...
Thats what I was thinking. At least if someone gets stuck we can help get the other person out.
Yeh theres nothing more frustrating than getting stuck on your own. So theres potentially four of us atm?

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