
New Member
Morning all

Well after too many years working too many hours down in London and ignoring my poor old series 3 this lockdown has re-ignited my interest. Desperately looking for something sensible to watch on tv to relieve the stress of home teaching my 8 year old I have binge watched Car SOS. It might be a marmite type program with some loving it/some hating it but each time I see a car reborn coming out of the paint booth I seriously drool. It reminded me that my Landy was in need of some love and attention (not to mention an MOT) and so the garage has been tidied and emptied in readiness for action. Sorry to Mrs Nick but the running machine is now relocated to the utility room. Got the spanners and grease out yesterday and remembered what fun it is to play with. Now, Might I finally sort that “vague” gear lever and get rid of the overly bouncy ride with some new springs??? 8 year old permitting maybe :)

Cheers all
Eh up Nick and Mrs Nick. Welcome to the forum from a fellow series owner. Get some photos up of the old girl (four wheeled one obviously):D
Eh up Nick and Mrs Nick. Welcome to the forum from a fellow series owner. Get some photos up of the old girl (four wheeled one obviously):D

Cheers Marmaduke. She’s a bit bouncy around the back end and some bits need tightening up but I still love her dearly. Same goes for the Landy :)
Welcome to the forum
Welcome to the forum
Hi ya Hippo
Thanks for your welcome.

Well it started early with a simple thought to move the Landy into my recently emptied garage. All I had to do was take out 6 screws holding a fencing panel. How difficult could it be as I’d carefully measured the gap before installing the new dog fencing last year to be sure the Landy would fit though. Mmmm except for the mirrors it seems. And they were not moving. 30 minutes later with both doors (and mirrors) now off I was a happy bunny but the missus is wondering about my promise not to go outside my comfort zone (read ability) and try a ground up rebuild. The bits do come off easily though so I might have to take some more off.
Oh what fun!
Welcome. Good to have another series owner. Yer lucky to be able to work on it in a garage, so good luck with the project. If it’s been laid up for so long there’s bound to be stuff to do. As far as the engine goes if you set up the ignition and get a spark it’ll want to run.

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