it hasnt been agreed yet - but keep an eye out on that thread - it will be notified.

Salisbury plain one is furst :D

Kinnellers Buster wot you doing? Waiting for another Sassenach tourist to slaughter?

Howdo's Grunt, Aye the first pic I put up was me in ambush, 2nd pic I'm ready for the kill and the 3rd one's me showin' of me trophies to me mates;) ;) :D
Watchya Chris
Sorry, I really must pay more attention:(

Yes, definately. Give me a ring when you get down here, I'll PM my number.
Hopefully the rain will be it's usual good self so we can expect some good muddy lanes.

hey another female landy lover hehe welcome hun least will give me a break lol :)

How do Al, nice to see you're gettin' around a bit. you'd probably get a bigger break if ye posted summit on a different thread i.e got a disco, why's me glitter ball not workin';) ;) :D :D
kinell its riddled wiv em, . see thats wot appens wen yer let a load o them wimmin fings on ;)
ffs thats a bit harsh, i dunt think wimmin should be chained ter the kitchen sink, they have the rest of the house ter clean as well ;)

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