lover my RR

New Member
Drove my dads 1971 series 2 landrover from the age of 7 on ralies, first crash at 11 years on a Landrove owners caravan club rallie, God, Life was good! Took my test in the same series 2, examiner was not impressed, but I passed. A Year later she went up for sale & I had an MGB GT. Life got boring after he went to a new home UNTILL!!!! last year, when I got me a self a Soft Dash Classic SE TDi with, well with one hell of a SMILE. I love her.(Not bought an auto trader since) Looks like a great site, hope its a great site.
Hy 'Lover my RR'
Welcome to the Landy Zone (With the odd Cruiser as well). Know the feeling well, soon to be adding to the collection myself, (80 Series Cruiser) Enjoy the site and don't be shy, the site is all about posting your own views and chipping in where ever you want. Good to have you along.
welcome to site love my rr,its good to have you here, feel free to join in and have some fun!
Hello " RR " and welcome to " The best landrover site ever " !!!!!! and it's getting better ........ Now how's that for a slogan then members ;-) .....

Thanks for the support, I'll get some pics up soon of my Babe. The wife has always said "If I could get the RR up the stairs, I'd sleep with it"

Could be I just need a bit of adventure!!!!!!!!!!!
The wife has always said "If I could get the RR up the stairs, I'd sleep with it"

A tough quest but with Decent tyres and cross axle diff locks it could be possible:)
Hhhhmmm, I've every faith in her accent angles, problem is the turning circle half way. Oh and the width, might have to take the side steps off to get her through the door. (Never thought to buy a maisonette till now.)

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