
Hi everybody. I thought I'd better be polite and say hello. I'm not currently a Landy owner but I am looking for one. In the past I have owned a Disco' which I bought brand new back in 1996. Yes, I did take it off road and I was amazed at it getting up a 45 degree grass and mud incline on standard road tyres :D I was broken hearted when I had to sell it in 2000.

Anyway, as I say I'm looking for a Landy but it has to be an old Series one as I don't want to pay road tax. I want a Landy to use when I go fishing... I got sick of getting bogged down in only two inches of mud in my Astra Estate :mad:

get a defender..but make sures its a 110. we all ave ta pay tax fella!

o and welcome.theres a series forum on ear, if you MUST get a series, thats where u wannabe
Hi everybody. I thought I'd better be polite and say hello. I'm not currently a Landy owner but I am looking for one. In the past I have owned a Disco' which I bought brand new back in 1996. Yes, I did take it off road and I was amazed at it getting up a 45 degree grass and mud incline on standard road tyres :D I was broken hearted when I had to sell it in 2000.

Anyway, as I say I'm looking for a Landy but it has to be an old Series one as I don't want to pay road tax. I want a Landy to use when I go fishing... I got sick of getting bogged down in only two inches of mud in my Astra Estate :mad:


Ah tax :) what's that then? ;) I suppose I do have the choice of getting a Defender. I could run it without road tax perfectly legally. You see I'm on DLA high rate for both mobility and care. I wish I wasn't but I am (at 45 I'm totally riddled with arthritis and broke my ankle just by trying to walk in my back garden last year). Part of being on it (DLA) means I get road tax free on my chosen vehicle. So, I could choose to have it paid on a Defender then pay the lower rate on the Astra. Trouble is, the rest of the allowance probably wouldn't come anywhere near close enough. Of course, ideally I'd just get a Defender (I think they are fantastic vehicles by the way) and be done with it. Only trouble there is the wife would moan.... Some times we can't win.

Anyway, that's why I'm after a tax exempt 'series'. I just want a Landy and it's pretty much the only way I can afford one :(

Why can't our wonderful caring government extend the 'classic vehicles' tax exemption? Yeah, I know why....

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