twas just the 2 of us.. Probably should have taken someone else in case I needed pulling out.. But we managed ok in the end..

Mrs B I reckon we'll be ok up your backway, if it gets too tight, you can always back up while I guide ya backwards..
if ya recon its not too tight........:p

would prob ****e myself :eek: :eek:
You're in safe hands with Red, he's handled some pretty tightens before, I'm sure he does a pretty good snatch recovery.
i like it ta just touch the sides......not get stuck:eek:
but if ya sure red can do it then ile let him take me up the one behind me...:D :D :p
Aw, if it dunt touch the sides its not worth bothering with.

When you can hear it rubbing against the sides, meks it just that bit more excitin.
i recon ya would get more than a rubbing with this one.....
i recon the sides would be shot ta ****e!!!!:eek:
i think ile give the back way a miss....;)
Aye and her husband was there as well, the 3 of us had a wee bit of a chinwag

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