
New Member

My name is Jeff

I have just bought my 1st Range Rover

Its a 1995 2.5 DSE Manual

I know nothing about it at all and i am hoping that everyone one here can share some of there knowledge

My name is Jeff

I have just bought my 1st Range Rover

Its a 1995 2.5 DSE Manual

I know nothing about it at all and i am hoping that everyone one here can share some of there knowledge

Hi and welcome to the Loony Zone. Don't take no notice of the boywonder!! We're a real helpful happy go lucky crowd on here. We may talk funny and take the **** a lot!!! But if we can help we will. The Rangerover chaps are further down the page.

Word of warning though if yer going down there. They have a very strict dress code. Strictly no jeans and no oily hands or dirt under your fingernails. :rolleyes: :D :D
Hi and welcome to the Loony Zone. Don't take no notice of the boywonder!! We're a real helpful happy go lucky crowd on here. We may talk funny and take the **** a lot!!! But if we can help we will. The Rangerover chaps are further down the page.

Word of warning though if yer going down there. They have a very strict dress code. Strictly no jeans and no oily hands or dirt under your fingernails. :rolleyes: :D :D

so true
well i was lucky then .... i went in there the other day with me hi viz on ...:eek: i could'a got slapped across the face with a glove or summat ....... phewww .....
well i was lucky then .... i went in there the other day with me hi viz on ...:eek: i could'a got slapped across the face with a glove or summat ....... phewww .....

Jeeez yer lucky you got out alive. They set the hounds on the last person who dud that.

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