
Well-Known Member
hi all, new to the forum.

I am a fully qualified LR tech, any questions/problems give me a shout
welcome dusty!

That bring the total for LR tech's to erm 2 (that i know of)
not bad out of 4500 members!!
Careful, Mondo! Don't you be cracking any jokes in this forum - or you might upset some of our more distinguished members. ;)
Gareth Coe said:
Careful, Mondo! Don't you be cracking any jokes in this forum - or you might upset some of our more distinguished members. ;)

Like erm???????who!!:p
This is serious!
I think the forum has gone too far down the "jokes & fun" road and it has to stop - NOW!
Owning a Solihull product is serious business and there is no room for humour in a forum such as this.
I know you'll all agree with me when you give this your considered opinion.
Gentlemen, and ladies, I plead with you to change your evil ways, throw away your foolish habits and strive to make Landyzone a forum in which we can all take pride!
Welcome clutchdust, 'bout time we had someone who knows what he's taking about, but be prepared to take some stick.....


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