
Hey everyone.
My name is Andrew and I live in Abaco, The Bahamas. I have had a major interest in the older Landys for years, but I may have finally found one that might be for sale in my area for a reasonable price. A One Ten SW, built in '85.
I won't go into details until the deal is done. But I hope to join the ranks here soon, after years of lurking.
Natas and I know each other, but he doesn't know me on the forum, just yet. I just figured out who he is myself after reading his posts.
Thanks for the vast array of information everyone has provided. I plan to put it all to good use when the first Landy rolls into my place.
Many thanks.
Me too. The old girl is in rough shape. Looking at a new bulkhead to start with, this one has major rot around the brake booster and the vents have rotted out. with the 2.5na and no a/c I will need those here. B and C pillar and the sills are bad. Tub cappings are rusted in a few places.

Front door frames are push button with rot up to the window track. Does someone make this part of the frame? Or shall I go for fiberglass replacements in the future?

Rambling... bah

I shall start another thread soon. Thanks again
The answers you seek lie in the Defender specific forum. Let us know if you get her ;)

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