Haha Minty, you are sharp.
How's about this: I work for Land Rover but not at Land Rover. I work at a marketing company that's lucky enough to have LR as a client ;)

What have we got to look forward to in the near future then Mostlikelyto?
Hi all

Sadly I can't afford to drive a Land Rover :( but am lucky enough to work for them!

I work for Wunderman, who do marketing for Land Rover UK, and we want to provide LR enthusiasts like yourselves with great content, the chance to win cool Landy-related stuff... and also to find out what you think about the brand and its vehicles.

I'm going to get stuck into the forum and start posting photos, videos and links to things you might find interesting - I just thought I'd introduce myself first!


Welcome tae the Zone James... you took yer time!:rolleyes::D
Ah take it ye got the go ahead from the top then;)

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